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AI Limits Team 3 W01 Capstone Project

Note: If the website does not load immediately, please reload the page until it does.

Please do not put any credit card information into the stripe payment areas. These features are live and will charge the credit card.


Milestone deliverables are shown first in descending order.

Further project information is further down this website page.


Milestone 3 Formal Presentation

Milestone 3 Minor Presentation

Milestone 3: Solution Building Deliverables

Final Project Report

Final Project Plan

Final Weekly Report

Milestone 3 Formal Presentation

Final Resource Overview Report

Final GANTT Chart

Milestone 3 Minor Presentation

Milestone 2: Solution Finding

Final Project Report Draft 2

Revised Project Plan

Current Weekly Report

Resource Overview Report

Milestone 2 Sponsor Slideshow

Revised GANTT Chart

Milestone 2 Presentation to Sponsor Recording

Milestone 1: Research

Final Project Report Draft 1

Project Plan

Current Weekly Report

Milestone 1 Sponsor Slideshow


Milestone 1 Presentation to Sponsor Recording

What is this Project About?

In August of this year, our team set out to research what the limitations of using artificial intelligence(AI) are for web development in 2023 and to create recommendations on how one can use AI in web development.


With the rise of chat bots such as ChatGPT, Bard, etc, we are researching to see if it is possible to design both a server and a functioning auction website off of just the output from text prompting. This will involve having the AI chat bot generate source-code, along with instructions on how we should use the source code it made to create a functioning auction website. This auctioning website will need to be able to function and have the capabilities to have auctions, bids, and payment processing.

Major Parts of the Project

Our capstone project has been split into 3 milestones and one transitional task. We segmented it into these milestones to break-up the work and to ensure the research can be completed on time and with a level of quality.

Milestone 1: Research

  • Researching the requirements for front-end, back-end, and website UI.

  • Security Requirements.

  • Researching the connectivity requirements between back-end, front-end, and UI.

AI Ability Evaluation

  • Draw Conclusions and choose development path.

Milestone 2: Solution Finding

  • Back-end, front-end, and security solutions researched and proposed to group.

Milestone 3: Solution Building

  • Front-end, web interface, back-end, development.

  • Test connections between front-end, back-end, and UI.

  • Testing any imported applications or packages.

  • Ensuring report is complete.

  • Ensuring everything works as intended.

  • Complete working prototype.

  • Limitations of the chat bot discovered.


What We Discovered

Throughout the semester, our group has been experimenting with utilizing ChatGPT to generate source code for our prototype website. The vast majority of the source code comes purely from the artificial intelligence. Even though we have a fully operational prototype, it was not easy to generate everything in such a usable state right away. Getting the prototype to have everything we needed took months to do whereas, writing the code yourself could take a day depending on the complexity of the website you're coding. What this chatbot excelled at was producing high-quality outlines. While our team purposely forced the chatbot to produce more than it was comfortably capable of, we were able to conclude that AI chatbots should only be used as a type of co-pilot for web development in 2023 due to these limitations.

What the Prototype Website Is and Is Not Capable of

Please Note: The stripe buttons and implementations in the website are real and will charge credit cards if you put information into these sections. The link to the live prototype website is at the top of the page.


The prototype website was made with the intention of being an auction website. Users can register accounts, log in, create auctions, and bid on items. After an auction has gained an expired or won status, a user can then use Stripe to pay for their items. We were not able to get the chat bot to make it to where only the users who won the items could use the stripe payment method. This means that anybody could go into an expired or won auction and pay for the item. Another limitation is in regard to image uploading for auctions. We could not get ChatGPT to give us a proper image uploading solution so, all auctions are purely text based with names, descriptions, bid amounts, and bid ending dates. If our team were tasked with building a proper auction website in a real-world scenario, we would have only utilized ChatGPT for creating outlines since, that appears to be its limit in usefulness for 2023.

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